Tuesday, April 16, 2013

One more thing

Part of me hates asking a prayer request of you, given that the people in the Boston area, well, really, all over the world, need them so much more urgently than we do.  But, if you can spare a few seconds to offer up a little prayer for us?

Lining up an embryo transfer while working with an out of town clinic has been like connecting the dots when the dots appear at their own leisure.  And then sometimes disappear.  And then sometimes the pen I'm using to connect the dots runs out of ink.

Our May 10 transfer is coming down to one, that's it, just ONE detail.  My fertility doctor needs to receive and review my HSG slides by this Friday, April 19, for our May transfer to be a go.  My local hospital claims to have mailed the slides last Tuesday, May 9.  And the fertility clinic has not received them yet.  From hospital to clinic it's maybe an hour and a half drive.  I have NO IDEA where those darn slides are.  At this point I could have walked them faster.  Not that I would, but you get the idea.

Dear Lord, I know I ask a lot of You, and sometimes I'm a little (ok maybe a lot) whiny, and there are so very many people in need in the world.  But could you please help us stay on track for this May 10 transfer?  We would so very like to meet our next three adopted snowbabies that day and begin what we hope will be a life long journey of teaching them about You.  Fiat voluntas tua.

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